Mr. Joseph is a University associate of MCSOT Co-Founder Mr. Jeffry Lohr who got in touch with Mr. Jeffry after learning about the Moringa Community School of Trades through an American Magazine. As a result, Mr. Joseph will be coming to MCSOT in May of 2017 specifically to introduce and guide the development of a new MCSOT Drafting and Engineering Program at the school.
Mr. Joseph is professional woodworker and a highly respected American Industrial Arts Teacher who has loyally taught his students to be skilled woodworkers, engineers, and draftsmen. His lecturing and demonstration skills will become a great asset to Moringa Community School Of Trade. The school has been so excited to welcome Mr. Joseph and to have a great knowledge from his excellent experiences.
Congratulation Mr. Joseph Katz, we are so excited to see that your hard work has yielded more crops that can feed other people.
MCSOT has also been undertaking farming activities and is also very successful in selling our products in the market places.
Oh! What a great joy that would be, to welcome Mr. Joseph Katz in our school? The school is thoroughly prepared to welcome Mr. Joseph Katz.
As we can all see Mr. Joseph working hard on his farm, his hard work has caused his crops to grow beautiful in his garden. The school has prepared a nice garden that if Mr. Joseph comes we will be working in it, because farming is one of our daily activities in our communities.